Friday, June 18, 2010
This I believe Project Pictures

Before all that happened my dad was physically there but not emotionally. He would get home from work, watch t.v, and not say one word to us. He thought if he payed the bills and kept a roof over our head, him job as a father was done. I don't think that's all a dad is supposed to do. A real father would take time out of his day to be with or communicate with his child if it's at least asking how your day went.
You know the saying daddy's girl? Yeah, that wasn't me. It would get to me, seeing all my elementary friends getting dropped off and picked up at school by their dad's. Having to go to school meetings and seeing everyone there with both their mom and dad and I would just be there with my mom, because my dad was to busy to know what was going on with me in school.
As I got older it hit me the most. I decided to talk to my dad and let him know how I felt. While talking to him, it seemed like he didn't care what I thought or had to say. I told him I didn't really see him as a father because he would never try to talk or be with us and every time he would talk to us it was to scream at us, and to get us in trouble, there was never a day when he would talk to us in a good way. "I don't care if you see me as a father or not" is what he replied.
It took me a really long time to forget what he had told me. We didn't speak to each other for a really long time. We started talking a little more. I decided to give him a second chance in taking the roll of a father. Things got a little better but not to long after the same thing happened. He wasn't there for us again, and didn't care about anything. I was tired of him not caring and decided to keep him out of my life even if he lived with us.
I would always talk to my mom about the situation. She always knew what to say. "He's your father, you cant just stay mad at him forever, I know what he does isn't right but just give it one more chance". I really put in thought to what she said. She was right if you love someone your willing to give them how many chances it takes in order for them to see you really want to see change in them. I guess the third chance was it. We didn't talk for two, almost three months but now I see him actually trying to talk to me, even if its about the smallest thing. I really appreciate him trying to talk to me now. Things are getting better. Slowly, but better.
In the end I realized even if someone does something that seems like you will never forgive them about, give it a chance, maybe even three but it will get better. Before all of this I personally thought people never change, But giving this third chance changed my whole perspective on it. People do change, just with time. Don't think things will chance by the blink of an eye, it takes time and if you really want a difference you would give a million chances if you have to.
Thursday, May 20, 2010
Evelyn Glennie: Shows How to Listen
Friday, May 7, 2010
Sustainability Visit Blog Post
- What is your name and your role here at the Farmers market?
My name is Ester, and I sell fresh produce that come from R&L farms that I work for.
- Why do you choose to sell your produce here/support the CSA?
I choose to sell here because it is a well known farmers market, and fresh produce is always better, has no chemicals and it tastes much better.
- When did you first start growing and working for a fresh produce company?
I started growing fresh produce when I started working for R&L Farms which was 21 years ago.
- Do you garden at home? Why or why not?
Yes, I garden at my home, and in a ranch in Fresno.
- What would be your advice to get others to do what you do?
I say everyone to start growing their own fruits and vegetables because for one the fruits and vegetables will taste much better without all the chemicals they put in them, and if you grow your own, you wont have to waste your money buying non fresh fruits and vegetables in your local grocery stores.
School Garden Blog Post

- Why is this garden here?
The garden is here to offer it to people.
- What is your role here?
My role here is to make sure everything is weeded and to take out all the bad plants.
- Whats going to happen to it in the summer when no one is here taking care of it?
I really don't know, hopefully someone will be here to maintain it.
- Why did they come up with this garden
Well, my teacher is really into agriculture, he thought it would be a good idea.
- Would you make any changes to the garden?
Yeah, I would add more plants to it because it seems kind of empty right now.
- What did you like most about the garden?
I liked the fact that they had different things in the garden, now just flowers but fruits, veggies and stuff like that.
- Was the garden what you expected?
No, I imagined it bigger and filled with much more things.
Sunday, April 25, 2010
Talking it Over :)

-I agree because everything they said in the movie actually makes sence.
-I can tell my mom to start buying stuff from organic places like Trader Joe's & Henry's and buy locally.
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
School Daze Dialectic Journals
Quote:Like most five-year-olds, she was thrilled to be going off to school at last, and I was thrilled for her, imagining (as she did) that some truly wonderful experience must be awaiting her. It was only after several months that I began to notice that her excitement was fading — and continued to fade month after month and year after year, until, by the time she was in the third grade she was thoroughly bored and glad for any opportunity to miss a day of school. Does this all come as strange news to you?" "Yeah," I said with a bitter laugh. "Only about eighty million kids went to bed last night praying for six feet of snow to fall so the schools would have to close."
Response:Like we talked about it in class we were saying when we're little we're actually excited for our first day of school, but once we actually spend time there and do the same thing every morning we get tired of it. I can relate to that because I know when it was my first day of school I was so ready for school but after a couple of months I wanted to shoot my self in the head! Being in high school now I hate it, but at the same time you think about it, and you kind of have to, to get a good job and have a good future.