Seeing my dad come back home after that whole month of him gone because of the problem that had happened with my mom and dad. Having to find out my dad had cheated on my mom and not being able to be there when everything had happened. Having to find my mom crying on the couch when I was just coming home from a party, yeah, all that affected me. I didn't know in what way to be there for my mom, all I did was try not to bring more problems to her, and tried to avoid those little things she didn't like.
At that point seeing how my mom was feeling made me not want to speak to my dad. I just never liked to see my mom like that because what she felt some how I felt too. I didn't get why my dad wanted to come talk to me and my brothers if what he had done to my mom was done and there was no turning back to what he did. While he was talking to us I didn't even want to be there listening to what he had to say, I just wanted to get up, walk into my room, and not come out until he left , but I thought I should at least stay just to see what he had to say. While he was talking me and my brothers I didn't really want to look him in the eyes, our eyes wondered off some place else. My mom wasn't in the same room where my dad was talking to us, she was in her room and we were in the living room. At one point i turned and looked at my brothers, i saw their faces, they looked serious, the only time i would see their faces like that was when they were about to get in a fight or were just mad. When he had walked in, he had a face of shame, like he knew what he did wasn't right. He told us how he wasn't expecting us to forgive him, Good I thought because I wasn't going to.
When he left I kept on thinking about what he had said. I thought how life would be with out him, and after I thought how my life would be losing him, basically I was thinking about the good and the bad about each one. In the end I decided it didn't really matter what I thought, my mom was going to make her own decision, so whatever my mom decided I would be okay with. She decided he was going to come back. She gave me two reasons, she said first cause of me and my brothers, and second because she knew she wouldn't be able to do it without the money and take care of us at the same time. Her decision affected me because I don't and won't see my dad the same ever again. Me and him don't talk as much. Sometimes I just wish they would have gone through with the divorce, maybe that way I wouldn't have to hear them fight almost everyday.
Word Count: 536
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