Looking through every sound you had, i found this one. I chose this one personally because i had heard this exact instrument earlier in humanities class. A noise of a circular thing going in circles on a plate like thing. As i heard a not so loud noise in the begining and as it circled more, the sound would get louder. It will start of slow and get faster and faster. It kind of reminded me of when you spin a coin on a table. That instrument was really loud. To me it sounded like a helicopter when i heard it in person. The reason why i chose this one is because i thought the sound was really cool. I also thought it would be cool to write about it if i allready knew how it looked and sounded. The sound was all in your ear. You could hear it a mile away. A loud sound. It kinda also reminded me of when the trolley goes in to a tunnel going really fast. And thats what this instument sounded like. :)
Its good how you were using a simile when you said "it sounded like a helicopter". I also like how you said "the sound was all in the ear" because it really describes how you heard it. What you could work on is describing more to really make the person know how it sounds like. =]