Sunday, April 25, 2010

Talking it Over :)

What has struck you??
-What struck me was about how the little kid died off of the hamburgers, and what his mom is trying to do. I have kind of stopped eating hamburgers :D

Do you agree or disagree with the concepts? Why?
-I agree because everything they said in the movie actually makes sence.

How can you apply them to the real world?
-I can tell my mom to start buying stuff from organic places like Trader Joe's & Henry's and buy locally.

What do your parents or family members think?
-What my family thought about that was that it was very harsh how they killed and treated the animals. They also thought that if their feeding the animals, and want to get them big for us, to feed them what their actually supposed to eat so that way we wont die of E coli, and they don't have to be torchered, there is other ways to kill them like put them to sleep then start chopping them into pieces.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

School Daze Dialectic Journals

Quote:Like most five-year-olds, she was thrilled to be going off to school at last, and I was thrilled for her, imagining (as she did) that some truly wonderful experience must be awaiting her. It was only after several months that I began to notice that her excitement was fading — and continued to fade month after month and year after year, until, by the time she was in the third grade she was thoroughly bored and glad for any opportunity to miss a day of school. Does this all come as strange news to you?" "Yeah," I said with a bitter laugh. "Only about eighty million kids went to bed last night praying for six feet of snow to fall so the schools would have to close."

Response:Like we talked about it in class we were saying when we're little we're actually excited for our first day of school, but once we actually spend time there and do the same thing every morning we get tired of it. I can relate to that because I know when it was my first day of school I was so ready for school but after a couple of months I wanted to shoot my self in the head! Being in high school now I hate it, but at the same time you think about it, and you kind of have to, to get a good job and have a good future.