- A hero becomes a hero when they do something that you really appreciate, or when they show their love for you.
- Project Description- What was the Hero in My Eyes project? - The hero in my eyes project was that we needed to pick someone that was a hero to us, and we had to write an essay, one moment in time about why their a hero to us.
- Process- What steps did you take to get to the final product?
-We had to think of some question that we thought would be good to ask our hero.
-We sat the hero down and asked them the questions, we got answers and made a story/ essay about them being our hero.
4. Reflection- What did you learn? What challenges did you encounter? What would you do the same or different? How will this help you later?
- I learned a hero isn't just spider man, super man, etc.., it can be anyone you see as a hero.
-The challenge that i encountered was writing the essay because I'm not so good at writing stories.
-The things I would of done differently would have been being more descriptive on how my brother looked, and doing the challenge assignment with the 5 vocab words.
-This can help me in the future because I can get prepared for college when we really have to write something hard.
5. I picked wonder because I would always ask my self what if I did this better, what if?
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