For the Love of Michelle
Bobby was 62 years old and was a retired man and lived in a trailer park in Ford,
Bobby was really in need of money because of the surgery that his wife needed. She was the most important person to him so he couldn’t let her die of the disease she had. That was basically the only person he really had. They promised each other when they got old they would do nothing but care for one another and not let anything bad happen to either one of them. This was the test to see if Bobby would do anything for Michelle in this situation that she was going through. Since he didn’t have a job nor relatives to help him, he decided to put his life at risk and start robbing. He knew it wasn’t a good decision but it was something he had to do for his wife. He wasn’t going to waste any time at all to start getting that money. He got to it right away.
The next day came and that was the day he was going to commit the robbery. He decided to rob a liquor store called Forties and 9's that wasn’t so close to the trailer parks he lived in. He took his old pick up truck he had owned for a while now. He got to the liquor store and parked his car in the alley behind the store. He sat inside his truck for a while before he actually went in the store and do what he planed to do that day. He was really nervous; he just sat there looking at his sweaty palms while shaking his right leg nonstop. He pulled himself together.
"Come on man, this is for Michelle," he said to himself.
He went into the store with a 9mm hand gun. He walked in as if he was a normal buying customer. He waited for the two customers that where in there to leave then he walked up to the cashier lady took out the 9mm on the lady and pleaded for the money in the cashier.
"Hurry up give me the freaking money lady," he yelled
The lady was so scared, she had difficulties opening it. She just stood there panicking trying to open the cashier. In the end she got it opened and gave him all the money.
"Here's the money, leave already" she said with a shaken voice.
He snatched the money from her hands and ran out the back door which led him to the alley where he parked his truck without saying one word. He jumped in and took off leaving nothing behind.
He robbed four liquor stores that week. In one of those robberies he made the biggest mistake of his life. He killed one of the cashiers. He had the 9mm that day. When Bobby took out his gun asking for the money the cashier reacted back, and took out his hand gun. The guy shot at Bobby but missed. Bobby panicked and shot him, and the cashier laid there dead. Bobby ran out so quick that he didn’t even notice he dropped his gun. When Bobby was running out, a customer was coming in and she saw the blood and quickly called the police. The police came and had the gun as evidence and got the finger prints off of it. The police had so many clues to lead them to Bobby. The police looked at the surveillance cameras and saw him there. The police tracked him down and arrested him and was sentenced to life in jail.
When Bobby got there he could only make one call. He decided to call his daughter Angela first and for her to let Michelle know. When his wife found out about what happened she died of a heart attack that same night. Angela wrote to Bobby letting him know what happened to Michelle. He was so hurt. Days after the death of Michelle, Bobby couldn’t handle knowing the love of his life Michelle was dead. He committed suicide outside of his jail cell. In lunch he went up to his jail cell, got a couple of shirts and tied them together, tied one end to the tier and the other around his neck. He jumped over the tier, and there he hung...DEAD!
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